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Intelligent Localization to Seize
Opportunities in Potential Markets

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At Sokrat, we help you build worldwide trust and a strong brand identity
by adapting your website to local languages and cultures, making it easier for users to browse content and find what they're looking for.

What is localization?

In simple terms, localization is adapting your platform to new markets to suit a certain audience with distinct language and cultural values.

Localization is a sophisticated process and it covers several factors:

  • Linguistic Adjustments
  • These require a high level of fluency to stay true to the original message and tone in a different language.
  • Cultural Adaptations
  • This guarantees that the translation considers the local cultural sentiments, norms, and habits of your target market.
  • Technical Alterations
  • They cover practical tech-friendly solutions, such as developing the site search to accept new characters and symbols and updating the platform's payment system to support a new currency.
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    Monetize your brand by claiming elusive new markets.
    We offer an unmatched range of languages, guiding our clients to instantly expand their market no matter where opportunities lie.
    Effortless translations you can trust mean unique opportunities uncovered.
    All of our translators are native speakers of the target languages. Which is to say, they are not only familiar with the language you desire, but also the unique cultural aspects of the local market. They are also fluent in the source language and possess years of experience in their specialized industries.
    Get your business ahead of the game by gaining instant access to our expert professional translators.
    Join industry-leading companies in developing this high-value global side of your business in a way that is both efficient and economical. All of this means you get your website or application localized to the highest standards in the market.

    Why localize your platform?

  • Nine out of ten international users will ignore your product if it’s not in their native language.
  • It’s the ability to engage with customers who speak other languages and accordingly enable them to buy your products.
  • More than 50% of all queries on Google are in languages other than English.
  • Make your website the one that reaches out to those people in their mother tongue, expanding your brand’s potential.
  • China claims to have over 980 million internet users, while the USA has approximately 300 million.
  • There are untapped opportunities in the mismatches between less-used languages on the web and the huge populations that speak them: Chinese, Spanish and Arabic are just a few examples of this.
    Ready to Start? Order Now
    Need Help? Contact us
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